Sunday, August 26, 2012

The first week of P.E. classes went well. Kindergarten, first, and second grades worked on our rules and procedures. Plus they got to play a few games while learning about having a good home space. Third, fourth, and fifth grades reviewed our rules and procedures, then had a guest speaker who talked about Crossfit.

The rest of the week was spent playing games that involved different types of fitness levels while also finding our pulse and determining our heart rate.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Welcome to Phenix City Elementary physical education!

Thank you for visiting the PCES PE blog! We have been preparing for almost two weeks for the students to come back, and we are very excited about the upcoming school year. One of the first things we will be working on is NFL's Punt, Pass, and Kick competition. Be looking for more information from your child about how the competition works.